Bach flower remedies..

The Bach Flowers..

The 38 different Bach Flower Remedies have extraordinary hardly believable curative and epiphanic effect for the good.. they are energetic medicine and re-align our emotions in a gentle way..

Here is a short guide of each one of them for you.. there any many other layers of possibility to each one.. I have been using them and studying them for 30 years.. and they never fail to bring healing and joy when taken.. each of us will have our own “aha” moment with them.. they are nature’s blessing and they really, yes.. really work..


The flower for those who hide.. all is hidden unspoken.. behind a facade.. often there is much inner torment when you need this flower.. it allows us to open and reveal..


One of the fear flowers.. here the fear is unknown, unclear.. maybe even a feeling or sense of being spooked..


The flower for intolerance both with others and also ourselves.. really helpful when exasperation is present..


The flower for rediscovering our inner voice it awakens our intuition.. one of my favourites and wonderful when we feel we have lost touch with our true self or our voice or when “gas lighting” is present or is an issue, wonderful after narcissistic abuse..


The self care flower of our right to say and tell our truth.. When we say yes.. when we mean no.. it transforms and reveals our spoken truths..

Crab Apple:

The flower of purification.. when we feel sullied or when we are feeling infected by either illness or environment.. it is really helpful for those who suffer from OCD.. or after any violation, or for when we feel the effect of bad energy, it works like a dream

Cherry Plum:

The flower for extreme circumstance when we feel we have either lost or are about to lose rational control


The flower for overwhelm.. in every circumstance this magically allows us to feel we can re group, we can cope once again


The faith flower, it puts back our light, our faith.. when we are feeling.. what is the use or good of something.. it relights the flame of faith when we need it and we are discouraged


The hope flower, this flower is a God’s send when we feel hopeless for whatever reason.. hope is soul food we really struggle without it.. this flower gives us back our hope


The loneliness flower, often those in need of this have not been given enough attention as children..


The flower for anger, hatred, jealousy and envy, as well as aggression and mistrust, usually those in need of it are easily triggered and defensive feeling easily under attack..


The nostalgia flower, for when everything that is past is longed for, there is a lack of interest in the present, this flower treats memories, homesickness and sadness caused by loss.. it is a wonderful grief remedy.. and awakens our interest in the present..


The kickstart flower when we feel exhausted by our thoughts.. but once we get going the mental tiredness vaporises.. it is a wonderful flower to take when we can’t seem to get going in our day


The impatience flower it softens our reaction to what irritates us and allows comfort with a gentler pace.. brilliant for those of us to get triggered when things are slow or held up.. it calms restlessness..


The confidence flower for when we feel our confidence in our selves or our looks and allure seem to be gone.. when we have been devalued or diminished in narcissistic relationships or we feel the sting of failure.. for so many reasons our confidence can be lowered this flower gives us back our is also good for back problems..


One of the fear flowers.. it is for fear that is “known”, it soothes.. great for fear of the dentist, or the pandemic fear.. it is useful when illness with fear as it’s cause..


The depression flower it lifts the dark cloud feeling that can mar our joy which can somehow just descend on us.. melancholia, an inclination towards gloom or catastrophic thinking.. it lightens things and has a positive effect on illnesses that are accompanied by depression and can help prevent a worsening of them..


The flower of living on fumes so to speak!! When you are soldiering on, in spite of emptiness where others would have long given up.. it makes us more flexible and yielding often with ourselves.. it is good for relentlessness.. it can also improve high blood pressure..


The flower for physical exhaustion useful for recuperation, for long COVID for when we are just plain spent it is a marvellous tonic for when we are both physically and emotionally exhausted.. useful too to check if you are low of vitamins.. this flower strengthens..


The guilt flower, for when we feel bad or guilty for anything, either our actions or our behaviour or for our lack of feeling it is a really helpful flower for when self care is a challenge..

Red Chestnut:

The weening flower, literally wonderful for weening a child from the breast for both Mother and child one cannot be treated without the other because of the emotional symbiosis, but also this flower weens us from relationships or really anything that is not making us happy, it is the flower of disentanglement

Rock Rose:

The panic flower, for overwhelming panic situations where we might be in “freeze”.. it is immensely helpful with phobias

Rock Water:

The self care flower this is wonderful when we are hard on ourselves through bad self talk or not getting enough that nurtures us by our own hand..


The decision flower, for when we just cannot decide it helps enormously with inner clarity to “see” what works best when we are in doubt..

Star of Bethlehem:

The trauma flower.. this processes all trauma even from past lives as well as in utero trauma and childhood traumas.. it is essential for shock.. processing the shock so that it does not become physical in after response..

Sweet Chestnut:

The flower of comfort quite literally this flower is an emotional equivalent to a hug or a warm bowl of soup or warm socks.. it has been so helpful during lockdown when isolation can eat away at our sense of belonging..


The flower of outrage when we are incensed by injustice.. intolerant idealism.. their way or the highway.. these types are marvellous torch bearers and leaders but they are also blinded by their own morals wishing others to feel the same.. given to black and white thinking.. insistence..


The flower for when we have a tendency to dominate others with our opinions, there is no open healthy communication within dominance or freedom because when others freedom is robbed, the dominance also robs the perpetrator


The transition flower, the protector, this wonderful flower has so many magical benefits.. great for those of us entering into therapy or a new phase in life, motherhood, marriage, divorce, grief and more it allows us to feel the benefit of unaffectedness in a marvellous way

Water Violet:

The flower for aloofness through false superiority that distances us and separates us from others, when in this state we can seem like we “have it all going on” so to speak, when in actual fact we have a fear of intimacy it feels threatening somehow.. this flower allows belonging for these in need of it, can be led towards isolation..

White Chestnut:

The worry flower, for when we cannot stops something going round and round in our heads.. it calms this and subtly realigns our thoughts.. it is very helpful for sleeplessness..

Wild Oat:

The path discerner, this flower clears our way when we feel we have lost our way or we cannot feel it or see it.. it also magically evokes change where needed, suddenly things move where they have been stuck so not only does it work on how we feel but also circumstantially.. absolute magic!!

Wild Rose:

The resignation flower, when we feel our fate is sealed and we must quietly close down and except what befalls us.. this is a very dangerous psychic state to be in.. it is often very useful after miscarriage..


The flower of self pity and bitterness.. this vaporises what we hold against something or someone.. it is wonderful for disappointment or when we are feeling unable to reconcile..

Pricing: £70 per bottle which will last for 5 weeks.




Preparing a dosage bottle

  1. Fill a one-ounce (30 ml) glass dropper bottle nearly full of spring water or other fresh water.

  2. Add a small amount of brandy (1/8 to 1/4 of the bottle) as a preservative. More brandy can be added if the dosage bottle is used over a number of months, or will be subject to high temperatures.

  3. To the water and brandy mixture, add two to four drops of flower essences from the stock bottle of each essence selected.

  4. After the essence stock has been added and before each subsequent use, you may want to rhythmically shake or lightly tap the bottle in order to keep the essences in a more potent or energised state.

  5. Place four drops under the tongue, or in a bit of water. This dosage is most commonly taken four times daily.A 30 ml / 1 oz dosage bottle used in this manner will last approximately three weeks to one month.

  6. The dosage bottle can be further diluted by adding four drops to a half- glass of water. Stir this mixture both clockwise and counter-clockwise, and sip slowly. This is one way to attenuate the taste of the brandy preservative. Glass bottles and droppers are recommended, since plastic may adversely affect the subtle qualities of these natural plant remedies. It is best to use new bottles for new combinations of essences to ensure the cleanliness and clarity of the vibrational patterns.

Using a glass spray bottle or mister

  1. Prepare as you would a dosage bottle.

  2. Spray one or two times into your mouth.

  3. Rather than taking the drops internally, you may spray the mixture around the body and in the environment.

  4. Shake the bottle before each application to sustain potency.

Use in baths

  1. Add about 20 drops of stock of each essence to a normal-sized bath tub of warm water.

  2. Stir the water in a lemniscatory (figure-eight) motion for at least one minute to help potentize the remedies in the water.

  3. Soak in this solution for approximately 20 minutes. Pat the skin gently dry, and then rest quietly or go to sleep to continue to absorb the subtle qualities of the essences.

Topical use

  1. Add 6-10 drops of stock of each essence selected per 30 gm (1 oz) of creme, oil, or lotion.

  2. Use on a daily basis either exclusively, or to supplement oral use.

  3. Essence drops can also be applied directly on the body in conjunction with massage, acupressure or acupuncture, or chiropractic treatments.